Physiotherapy Courses in Australia
To work as a physiotherapist in Australia, you need to apply for and be registered with the Physiotherapy Board of Australia. You may also need to apply for a visa issued by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (Australian Immigration Department).
If you are a foreign trained physiotherapist and would like to connect with others going through the process of Australian physio registration why not take a look at the Working as a Physiotherapist in Australia section our Physio Forum. We also have some information here: Physiotherapy Registration in Australia for Overseas Applicants
Exceptional Opportunity: Established Physiotherapy Practice for Sale (in South West Sydney)
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Modern Multi-Disciplinary Clinic in Central Otago
Treatment of the Pelvis & lumbar spine: level 1 Articular & Muscle Energy Course
Advanced Manual Therapy Associates
This is a highly practical, Face to face course being run by Dr Barb Hungerford in Brisbane & registration closes 6pm Monday 3 March 2025. You will review optimal pelvic biomechanics and stability strategies, and the mechanisms that assist load transfer through the lumbo-pelvic region. Practical...
Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 - VM1
Barral Institute Australia
In this 4 day workshop participants will learn an integrative approach to evaluation and treatment of the structural relationships between the viscera, and their fascial or ligamentous attachments to the musculoskeletal system. Strains in the connective tissue of the viscera can result from...
CranioSacral Therapy 1 - CS1
Upledger Institute Australia
Developed by world renowned Osteopath Dr. John Upledger, the Upledger Institute is recognized worldwide for its groundbreaking continuing-education programs, clinical research and therapeutic services. This 4 day course details the physiology and anatomy of the CranioSacral system, its function...
Unlock the Secrets of the Foot with Manual Therapy.
Advanced Foot & Ankle Therapy
Hi, I am Robyn Gant, a senior physiotherapist in Sydney, and I have spent most of my long career figuring out how the foot works and how to treat it with minimal effort. Your hands and your clients will appreciate it. Many practitioners struggle with the foot due to its complexity. This...
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TMJ 101: A Muscle, Joint and Exercise Approach for the Treatment of TMJ - ONLINE
Physiotherapy Coaching Academy Australia
Our most popular TMJ Course with Francine St George - is now available ONLINE. This Certified Course consists of 6 Modules, 6 interactive videos of hands-on Practical Techniques, comprehensive Course notes, Pre-reading and Anatomy review resources. At the completion of this course, you will...
TMJ, CSpine & Intro to Cranial Techniques -Francine St George
Are you confident assessing and treating TMJ when a client presents with neck pain or headaches? - Do you routinely ask questions about your clients last dental visit? - Are you using the vestibulo and cervico ocular reflex to do segmental cervical spine extensor and flexor strengthening? - Know...
Hi, I am Robyn Gant, a senior physiotherapist in Sydney, and I have spent most of my long career figuring out how the foot works and how
Developed by world renowned Osteopath Dr. John Upledger, the Upledger Institute is recognized worldwide for its groundbreaking
In this 4 day workshop participants will learn an integrative approach to evaluation and treatment of the structural relationships
Community based rehabilitation
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