Community based rehabilitation

Candidate details

Female Laura Spalding
United Kingdom (2009)
Main Country of Interest:
New Zealand
Other Country of Interest:
All Regions
Year of Graduation:
Country of Education:
United Kingdom
Primary Country of Registration:
New Zealand
My Profile Summary
Please contact me for an up-to-date copy of my resume:
Adaptable and ambitious physiotherapist with strong written and verbal communication and clinical skills. I work well within a multi-disciplinary team and take a very holistic approach when treating clients. Having gained experience in numerous areas of Physiotherapy in the Uk and now New zealand. I currently treat clients under VOC and community rehab contracts, ACC, private and DHB services. I would like to continue to expand my experience and expertise in the neuromusculoskeletal and/or neurological rehabilitation areas of Physiotherapy. Post Graduate Experience gained in a variety of settings with main focus and passion being in musculoskeletal outpatiewants Able to manage and organise caseload effectively and efficiently whilst liaising with other health care professionals to ensure the best possible treatment and outcomes for discharge. Proficiently assess and devise treatment plan with the patient’s needs and opinions in mind to ensure safe and effective discharge from Physiotherapy Effectively and efficiently work as part of a multi-disciplinary team in a number of different settings Proficient at demonstrating critical analysis and critical thinking in clinical decision making Completed foundation acupuncture course and Level 1,2 and 3 of APPI Pilates Matwork courses. Currently completing certificate in orthopaedic manual therapy run by AUT.
Last Updated: 05-Dec-2023
Unique Views: 3585
Total Candidate Views: 6139
Candidate ID: 3784
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