Community based rehabilitation

Candidate details

Male Abdul Salam
Pakistan (2013)
Main Country of Interest:
New Zealand
All Regions
Year of Graduation:
Country of Education:
Primary Country of Registration:
United Kingdom
Other Registrations:
New Zealand
My Profile Summary
Please contact me for an up-to-date copy of my resume:
Dear Sir/Madam I am glad to submit my application for the position of Physiotherapist on behalf of myself as a qualified and experienced physiotherapist. I'm sure that my credentials and expertise make me a strong contender for the job. I hold a BSc degree in physiotherapy and maintain current registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registration No. PH135114, New Zealand Annual Practising Certificate registration No. 70-19383 and PPTA registration No. PPTA-P 4853. These foundational qualifications have provided me with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a career in physiotherapy, and to provide high-quality care to patients. In addition to my foundational qualifications in physiotherapy, I have completed two years of post-professional doctor of physiotherapy (PPDPT) which is equivalent to M.Phil (18 years of education).I also hold a Master's degree in Neuromuscular physical therapy (NMPT) as well. These specialized studies have provided me with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of physiotherapy, and have enabled me to provide high-quality care to patients with complex conditions. As a part of my job as physiotherapist, I have developed a deep understanding of Neuro muscular, sports, Cardio pulmonary, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Psychiatric conditions and their treatment in OPD and IPD. I trained my students during Supervised Clinical Practice. I trained them regarding assessment and treatment techniques, including manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and patient education. In my current position, I serve as a mentor and supervisor to junior physiotherapists, providing guidance and support as they develop their clinical skills and knowledge.. As a physiotherapist, I have honed my skills in assessing and diagnosing a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, such as rotator cuff injuries, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and lumbar radiculopathy. In my practice, I utilize a variety of therapeutic modalities, such as manual therapy techniques like soft tissue mobilization and joint mobilization, as well as exercise prescription and modalities like ultrasound and Electrical Stimulation, LASER and Hydro collator Pack to help my patients achieve their physical goals. I am also well-versed in evaluating and addressing movement dysfunctions and imbalances that can contribute to chronic pain and musculoskeletal injuries. I have supervised many researches of undergraduate students.Moreover,I have 14 publications to my credit, showcasing my commitment to contributing to the advancement of physiotherapy. AAAJ&hl=en In addition, I believe in the importance of ongoing education and training for physiotherapists to ensure that we are providing the most up-to-date and effective care. This includes attending continuous professional development (CPD) courses and workshops for staying up-to-date with the latest research and evidence-based practice, and engaging in peer review and case conferences to learn from and collaborate with our colleagues. Finally, my enthusiasm for physiotherapy, together with my dedication to continuous learning and professional growth, inspires my desire to become a talented and compassionate physiotherapist. I am convinced that by setting clear professional goals, such as assisting patients in reaching their physical goals, pursuing additional education, contributing to the profession, and advocating for my patients, I can make a good impact on the lives of
Last Updated: 18-Sep-2023
Unique Views: 274
Total Candidate Views: 304
Candidate ID: 6793
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