Community based rehabilitation

Candidate details

Male Tom Jarrald
United Kingdom (2023)
Main Country of Interest:
United Kingdom
North West
Year of Graduation:
Country of Education:
United Kingdom
Primary Country of Registration:
United Kingdom
My Profile Summary
Please contact me for an up-to-date copy of my resume:
A highly motivated and ambitious newly qualified physiotherapist who is looking for Physiotherapy/Sports therapy roles. I am driven, hardworking and conscientious with a strong academic profile, a range of professional experience and extra-curricular interests. Whilst I can embrace the challenge and opportunity to work independently, I am enthusiastic about working with people and within a team and feel that this is where I can truly excel. My active involvement in team sports, part time jobs, whilst also completing academic work to a high standard and on time, demonstrates my organisation, self-motivation and ability to prioritise tasks. As a physiotherapy graduate at Sheffield Hallam, I am experienced with analysing data, have a strong work ethic and am stimulated by opportunities and challenges.
Last Updated: 21-Jan-2023
Unique Views: 343
Total Candidate Views: 397
Candidate ID: 6753
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