Community based rehabilitation

Candidate details

Male Luke Hockley
United Kingdom (2022)
Main Country of Interest:
United Kingdom
All Regions
Other Country of Interest:
All Regions
Year of Graduation:
Country of Education:
United Kingdom
Primary Country of Registration:
United Kingdom
My Profile Summary
Please contact me for an up-to-date copy of my resume:
Over the past 3 years of studying sport and exercise therapy at Leeds Beckett university, the importance of the subject has been made apparent to me, not only in sport but therapy for everyone is extremely important, recovering from injury and returning to normal function is paramount. Providing care for sport and recreational participants to help them recover as quickly and fully as possible and to help improve their quality of life. Since July last year till this July, I was on an external placement which I had to complete as my final year, where I worked with semi-pro footballers performing pre/post-match treatments (deep tissue massages, strapping), pitch side first aid and rehabilitation with injured players. This experience was extremely helpful for me to further my learning about certain Injuries, different therapeutical treatments, strapping and rehabilitation. Furthermore, it has taught me to develop relationships with the teams as a whole and individual players in which they were comfortable to come ask me about their specific injuries and knew that they would be given the best possible treatment solution. Throughout my bachelor’s degree in Sport and exercise therapy, in which I have achieved a 2:1, I developed a range of skills alongside my experience through my placement which would be an excellent foundation for the role. I am very driven and have a keen desire to develop and provide evidence-based quality care to all patients. I am always wanting to learn and further my skills to be the very best therapist possible and have been taking part in lots of CPD courses which I have found to be extremely important to keeping up to date with the current regulations, techniques, and skills to allow me to treat patients with the safest and most efficient methods possible. Whilst studying in my final year I have developed time management skills to balance workload of the co-operative, 200 placement hours and final year university work. My motivation to produce results comes primarily from benefiting other people’s lives through my work, via the drive to pursue a successful career in the healthcare industry and within professional football. I think this would be a perfect opportunity for me to get some valuable experience and to kick start my career in the right direction. Overall, I would be very interested in becoming part of your team to help increase the great success you are already achieving. Thank you for taking the time to read through my application and I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely, Luke Hockley.
Last Updated: 21-Aug-2022
Unique Views: 672
Total Candidate Views: 888
Candidate ID: 6728
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