Community based rehabilitation

Candidate details

Male Giovanni Di Stefano
United Kingdom (2013)
Main Country of Interest:
United Kingdom
All Regions
Other Country of Interest:
United Kingdom
All Regions
Location Comments:
Central London
Year of Graduation:
Country of Education:
United Kingdom
Primary Country of Registration:
United Kingdom
My Profile Summary
Please contact me for an up-to-date copy of my resume:
Operations regional lead, Senior Chartered Physiotherapist with a great drive and determination to provide excellent care. First Contact Physiotherapist, Certified Acupuncturist, ESWT trained, IRMER trained, Pilates mat work trained, Personal Trainer, Full-Stack Software Developer.
Contact Me No Agencies Please
Last Updated: 03-Sep-2023
Unique Views: 1374
Total Candidate Views: 2313
Candidate ID: 5596
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