Community based rehabilitation

Candidate details

Male Luca Acitelli
Italy (2012)
Main Country of Interest:
Saudi Arabia
All Regions
Other Country of Interest:
All Regions
Location Comments:
Other possible variants: China, Russian Federation, Kuwait, Bahrain, SEA, Oceania.
Year of Graduation:
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Primary Country of Registration:
My Profile Summary
Please contact me for an up-to-date copy of my resume:
My name is Luca Acitelli. I am a Physiotherapist from Italy(EU), with 11 years of professional experience. I am looking for new and stimulating job positions abroad, preferably in Middle East, CSI countries, and Asia. I earned my Bachelor of Science from University of Rome La Sapienza, and have since 2012 worked in a number of clinical settings. During this time, I have had the opportunity to help a wide range of patients, from those recovering from injury to those with chronic illnesses: MSK, sports, neurological, and neurosurgical. I have had training in pulmonary and cardiology physiotherapy. I have developed a comprehensive understanding of the physical therapy process, from initial assessment and diagnosis to the implementation of treatment plans and rehabilitation. I am fluent in Italian, English, and Russian. I worked as Advanced Physiotherapist in Uzbekistan for two years, gaining great human and professional skills. My postgraduate education is mostly focused on manual therapy(Mulligan, Maitland), postural reeducation(Mezieres), kinesiotaping, trigger points therapy, and PNF. I also practiced elements of lymphatic drainage massage, and sports massage. I use the main electro-medical devices for physiotherapy, in particular the TR-Therapy associated with passive and active mobilizations. I am passionate about helping people, and have a strong desire to improve their quality of life. I am also highly organized, and able to prioritize tasks effectively. I am confident that I can use my knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm to make a positive contribution to your team.
Last Updated: 04-Jun-2024
Unique Views: 240
Total Candidate Views: 260
Candidate ID: 6808